LoveSong - Poems of Connection
is a captivating volume of poetry that gracefully articulates the heartfelt sentiments we so often long to express yet cannot always find words for. The five diverse chapters engage readers on a compelling journey of awakening and connection to: Pain & Grief, Hope & Restoration, Heart & Soul, Love & Desire, Nature & God

LoveSong's stirring poems reach into the avenues of the soul to revive hope, ignite passion, and inspire freedom.

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A wealth of reflection in poetic verse. - Blake Walker

A Journey of Healing
Michele eloquently bridges the way from darkness to light, and walks the path along with the reader. The poems in LOVESONG meet you where you're at in your journey of healing. They speak life into the deep places of the soul. This book of delicate, and hearty poems shows the compassionate heart of an angel on earth focused on the truth behind and after pain. - Lindsay A. Weir

A Tapestry of Beauty
From the first page, LOVESONG opens up your heart and soul to the whole of life's rich tapestry with words that sing in the night and dance with ethereal beauty. This is a treasury of poems that should be held within one's heart, and one to which you will inadvertently find yourself in harmony and rhythm. I cannot recommend this collection enough. - Tim Wright

Rich and Inspiring
LOVESONG is nothing less than a gift of inspiration from one of God’s true artistic souls. Michele Francesca Cohen’s book of poetry will enable you to express the voice of your heart with meaningful words of connection to the Creator and His creation. I predict it will become your faithful companion as you return again and again to discover its riches. - Pastor Barry Clingan

Michele's book embraces poetry from the innermost places of the heart. The vulnerability in her writings grips you through a journey that reflects on heartbreak and sorrow—triumphs and victory. There's a freedom to her poems that people from every aspect of life can relate to and benefit from. You can enjoyably read them over and over and will find yourself recalling and pondering many lines. - Priscilla Pruitt – Mrs. International 2016

is a gripping tapestry of transparently shared stories woven with empowering Biblical insights. The wisdom-packed chapters will touch your heart, shift your perspective, and become your roadmap for lasting transformation. Get ready to Arise From Your Wounds, Shake Off Your Ashes, Know Your Value, Walk In Your Freedom, Live In Your Vitality, Put On Your Strength, and Lift Up Your Voice.

The potential for greatness lies within you. Now is the time to discover it, acknowledge it, and live it.

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Ms. Cohen's true transparency regarding challenges and experience with the transforming power of God allows the reader a front row view of faith and relationship as they were meant to be. If you are ready to, finally, move beyond all the distractions of the current culture and embrace who you are in Christ this is the book to read and re-read. ARISE will free you to truly ascend to new heights in faith and life. You will be blessed. - Joan O’Brien

ARISE addresses the essence of who you are that, once revealed, will set you on a new trajectory for your life – one of thriving in your God-given purpose and destiny. - Rev. Alistair Howie

Terrific style and even better content, ARISE is a compelling book with gripping stories and insightful application that will lead you to a critical intercession of decision. - Lawrence Swicegood

I love the authenticity of her story and how relatable she is! It really touched me in a deep way and helped me form a new positive perspective for my own lifetime of brokenness that brought me a new level of healing. I highly recommend this book! - Janice M. James

EdenSong - Revelations of Identity
is a transformative unfolding of Man’s beginnings that opens us to a profound awareness of our identity and worth.    

This detailed journey through the Garden of Eden narrative offers core solutions for the internal conflicts we experience each day to anchor us in joy, revive us in faith, and align us with unconditional Love. It presents a paradigm shift of understanding that positively effects how we see ourselves, our lives, and everything around us. It’s a “secret” decoder to our untapped potential and a life of clarity and fulfillment.

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Mysteries Revealed
The mysteries of our existence and the purpose of our lives are unfolded through the writings in this book. - Amy Meyer 

Breaks Religious Myths
I love this book! Michele powerfully explains Man’s extraordinary identity by taking us back to the original Hebrew language In the story of the Garden is Eden. It breaks old religious myths about our identity that have no biblical basis and empowers us to realize our full potential in God. I am so encouraged! - J. Mashelle Hudspeth

A Brilliant Book
EdenSong is a beautiful journey of love showcasing God’s love for mankind. Eternal arms are reaching out to you through this brilliant book. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone. - Dr. Chris Perry

Masterfully Worded
Michele's book is masterfully worded, but what I love here is the "ruach" life of God I sense in the words. So many people with perfect aspiration in the Christian Stream are being shown new things with new protocol by the Holy Spirit... but how to word it? Michele's book "opens your door of utterance," so to the reader I say welcome to a new aeon where you will no longer be at war with yourself! - Solomen Aether